Monday, January 30, 2012

January 30th Letter

Yummy dessert

My favorite Chilean dish (don't know the name)

Taking a short cut
Hola hola!!!

This week has been long but good. We have been able to visit many less actives and see the fruits of our labor when one of our older grandpa who is very prideful and stopped attending church because the church lost his paperwork saying that he had the priesthood. After a few good very bold lessons we got him to commit to coming to church and it was so neat. He arrived with his wife and son with his family. He had a great big smile as people went up and hugged him. It was so neat to see. This moment strength my testimony of home and visiting teaching... Be obedient and take the time to visit your sisters and families that you have been assigned too. This people need our visit and need to feel the spirit that we have so strongly.
The other day we went to visit this hermano and while we were there, him and his friend and my companion and they began arguing about things in the bible for 30 mins. It was a very intense debate. I finally had the courage and strength to stop them and tell them I was sad that they had been debating for this long that our purpose as missionaries was to come by and visit our hermano because he was baptized. I then testified of our church and our prophet and the purpose of our work. I felt the spirit so strong, it felt so great to take a stand. I learned a lot from that lesson and how lucky we are to have the Holy Ghost in our lives. I challenge you all to take a stand when someone is talking bad about the church or another person. Be like Christ, be better than those people, be different and listen to the Holy Ghost.
I have been reading a lot of great talks in the Liahonas by president Monson and want you all to Google them because I know they will make your day!!!

Love you all very much!!
Hna Burnett

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