Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

Blossom and Bubbles
The Girls and Mackenzie
Me, Katy and Rudy
Helen, Me, Valerie, and Mackenzie

Buttercup and Bubbles
To celebrate Halloween the girls and I went to the YSA dance in Santa Monica on Friday night. We dressed up as the Powerpuff Girls, I was Bubbles and everyone loved our costumes!! This was the best dance ever, they had over 2,000 people there and a really great D.J. The next night we threw together a little party at the boys house it was fun and light compared to the dance which was good because we were all still tired from the dance.

Illian and  Powerpuff Girls

Thursday, October 28, 2010



I am taking FCS 150 which is pretty much sewing for beginners, this class has been so much fun and a lot of work. We sew little sample stitches every week and then we have to find a picture with that stitch and then write a definition of when you would use that stitch. We have about 6 a week so it gets pretty intense trying to do all the samples during the lab. This class was very expensive because we had to buy a whole bunch of sewing supplies and patterns costing me about $200 and some things we haven't even used yet. uh, So now I have my own sewing kit. Anyways the last couple of weeks we have been working on our midterm project which is a skirt!! I was so excited until I found out we are only allowed to make sizes 8 or 10 which I am clearly neither! (my professor is very weird) This made me sad, here I was creating the skirt with this ADORABLE fabric and its not going to fit.  I was really worried I wasn't going to get a good grade because she grades hard. However, the next class period I got my skirt back with a A- posted on it!! 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Pumpkin Carving!!


The Gang!

Me and Jorge with our finished pumpkin

Angel Moroni and Our Cat in the Boot

The other night Leigh had a pumpkin carving party were we all got together and carved some really cool pumpkins and ate her delicious pumpkin cookies!! I made Jorge help me  which he was hesitant at first, but loved carving out the whole design.We thought our design was a cat standing with boots, like Puss in Boots the fairytale. However, after looking at our pumpkin all carved out we realized that our design was a cat head inside a full witches boot.haha .. We laughed so hard, we were like um sure okay a cat in a witches boot it is. It looked really bad till we lit it up, in which it looks legit!! Rudy and Lillie decided to be sneaky and create the angel Moroni which everyone guessed as soon as they began to draw the body. After a long hour of carving we went into the hot tub which was very much needed after a week of midterms.Thanks for a great night Leigh Robbins!!

Smart and Final

Being in California I have heard of different supermarkets, so the other day I decided to try something new besides my Ralph's which is like an Albertson's. So Katy and I go to Smart and Final  grocery store not knowing much about the store.While inside we realize that Smart & Final is like a baby Costco, but it is for everyone no membership needed. It was so hard trying to find something to purchase because everything was in bulk or huge so there wasn't anything I needed  being a college student. So note to self is, to find out what type of grocery stores they are before entering them.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Regional FHE

Me digging out the insides

Our vampire pumpkin before carving

Bro Ward in the tic tac toe game

Kilowatts eating our pumpkins guts

The contester,  the one with the big ears won, not us :(

With Regional FHE being right in the middle of midterms I turned it over my ideas to Shayne to execute which he and Jami did awesome!! It was so cute tonight!! They had it set up like a small school carnival with a ring toss, tic tac toe bean toss, hula hoop toss, knock down cups, decorate a cupcake, and a carving pumpkin contest!! It was such a fun night, so many people showed up early to help and then stayed late to clean up! I love when people give their time!! Did I mention we had 60 people which pretty good since it wasn't advertised the best. Overall I had a blast, Halloween is so fun I can't to dress up on Friday!!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Ryan Reynolds!!

After a fun  long morning with  Patton's, Katy and I went to buy material to make her bow and buy charms to make necklaces. In while doing so we were leaving Walmart and we saw  a Red box which I freakin love and am so glad someone invited them, but has anyone seen a BLUE Red box?!! I was laughing so hard does that make sense to anyone else? haha Anyways I thought I would share the photo with you all. P.S. We made Katy watch The Proposal  for the first time last night, which I LOVE this movie and  have seen it at least 50 times now but thats okay because Ryan Reynolds is SEXY!!!

Ward Prayer

My Little Pumpkins!!

Me, Katy, and Sister Patton and our cookies!!

Our Lovely Center Pieces

The Patton's

Saturday the girls and I went over to help Sister Patton prepare for Ward Prayer the next day so she had us make candy corn shaped cookies!! It was so much fun, I haven't baked in a long time.  After that Katy and I got to play Mr. Potato Head on the Patton's Pumpkins to be used for the center pieces at ward prayer, it was fun. I love Sister and Brother Patton they are so neat and such a great example to me and I'm grateful that they are part of the Posse.
BOC and Patty P!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Midterm Celebration

Look closely to see the gopher!
Little Gopher
The Girls
Ah I love Katy!!
Syd squishing me
After having two huge test, one big research paper, and sewing a skirt I was finally DONE!!! I was so excited, so to celebrate we decided to go shopping and find the shirts for our cute Halloween costumes. As we were leaving the dorms Sydney almost tripped on a gopher hole, so I went back to look at it and the little guy was in there. This gopher was so tiny compared to the one on Winnie the Pooh. So Katy took some pictures of the little guy for me! So look closely! At the mall we  got distracted trying to find Katy's bow, and  headed straight towards the funky sunglasses. So being girls we had to take pictures of ourselves! Later that evening we had a slumber party and pulled my bed out to make one big bed with the couch, but it didn't work all the way. We had fun playing  new card games that Syd kept coming up with, it was a great night with the Posse!!
Don't even ask? I still do not understand this game

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Round 2

So Katy and Sydney were up to giving volleyball another chance which made me so excited. Before we could go play we had to go get our slurpees, which  Seven Eleven  mix was runny. :(  Anyways these two girls are great and I am so glad we are friend, they are both so full of energy and make me wish I was 19 again. P.S.I just finished my midterm week and it was horrible and long!! ah!  56 more day till I GRADUATE  baby!!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Donating Blood

Me donating first!!
Syd's iron prick
Katy freaking out

Tonight Syd, Katy and me went and donated blood at church because the Providence Hospital has the motto " Give a pint, get a free pint of ice cream!!! ( So I was totally up for donating!! ) We went in there and filled out a bunch of paper work with silly questions including "Have you ever accepted money for sex or drugs.. or slept with a man who's slept with a man?". Anyways after that they called us back one by one to check out iron levels to make sure we werent anemic so they could take our blood without killing us. Poor Sydney's iron was only 11.5 so she couldnt give blood,but Katy's was a high 14.7 and mine was 13.5 allowing us to donate. This was Katy first time so she was nervous about everything. After taking 5 mins trying to find her vein they finally found it and she was able to donate. I'm use to the system so I got in the chair and donated my blood in 5 mins flat. As we waited in the building eating the snack we ran into Elder Ball  and Eswald who were figuring out the answer to paperwork.Both the Elders were also nervous. haha  Did you know that donating blood can save up to three lives?!!! And every 2 second someones need blood? So Donate Blood Today!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Biking and Yogurt

Awesome picture, thanks to Syd!


While living in Northridge I have become addicted to frozen yogurt. There are so many frozen yogurt available now a days compared to ice cream places. Some of my favorites are Tutti Frutti
( thanks to Monica), Snolly ( because 10% CSUN discount) and Pinkberry (1/2 off happy hours). After writing my research paper all weekend, Sydney came over and helped peer review. I was finally done and sick of my house so we jumped on the bikes (Katy let me borrow her's hence why the sit is low,and why I look huge) and rode to Tutti Frutti. After that we watched Love Happens ( which was so cute, Loved it !! ) waiting to go to FHE where we played dodge ball. It was fun at first, but after the boys throwing 90mph I was done playing. Later that night Syd and I ran around the block because I felt fat just sitting while everyone played. It was a great night since its MIDTERM WEEK! AH, When will I be done with school, its taking FOREVER!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blast from the Past

Me and Elder Bryce Anderson

Elders Anderson and Hessing

When you first meet someone you find out where they are from and then see if they know the one person that you know from that same town right. So when Elder Hessing was transferred to our ward we had this conversation in May :

Elder Hessing : Where are you from
Me:  Pleasant Grove, Utah
Elder Hessing: P.G., do you know a Bryce Anderson
Me: yes, we went to school together
Elder Hessing: really that's so cool, he was my first companion
Me: really, I thought he was in the military
Elder Hessing:  yes, he so awesome we play ball together

After a while I realized we were talking about two completely different Bryce Anderson from P.G. how weird. Anyways come to find out the Bryce Anderson Elder Hessing was talking about is the same kid that played rec. and jr. high basketball with Roland. A few days ago I went to a lesson and there was Elder Anderson the grown up little boy that had played basketball with Roland for at least 4 years, serving a mission. It was so neat and awesome to see him there, it was  kind of  like looking at  my little brother all grown up. We were only able to talk for a little bit about each others life, but it was great to see how much he had grown and changed his life to be focused on serving the Lord.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Grandma Peggy

My cousin Cyera and Me

Cyera, Me, and Grandma

The other day my cute Grandma Peggy called me up and  invited me to dinner with her and my cousin Cyera. So I met my Grandma and Cyera over in Pasadena and talked about all that she has been up to and all the details about my cousins.  For anyone who hasn't my Grandma Peggy let me fill you in. She is technically my dad's step-mother  who raised him and his sisters at pretty young age. So I've only known her to be my grandma, anyways, her birth name is Margaret, she is around 5'0" I would say (maybe smaller), she has a different color of hair every time I see her, was in the marines, is a retired nurse, a photographer, has literally traveled the world, mother of 6, grandmother of 12, and great grandmother of 6.  Because she has traveled almost everywhere she loves to bring back gifts of all sort. This time she brought me-
  • Bracelets from Kenya
  • Bracelets from Ghana made from soda caps
  • Bracelets from Ghana made from leaves
  • Necklace from Iceland
  • Magnet from Nowhere,Wyoming
  • Pretty Lady mints from Wyoming
  • Cup coaster from Rockhoppers, Falkland Island
  • Cup coaster from Holland
  • T-shirt with PENNSYLVANIA across the chest
  • T-shirt with Be Aware with breast cancer symbol
  • Wisconsin hoodie sweatshirt
  • Love t-shirt from University of Kansas
  • Coffee post its
  • Tela Burnett letterhead paper
  • Crayola pad and crayons
  • Green water bottle
Pretty GREAT GRANDMA, huh!! I love her tons and I'm so thankful she in my life. She was gone this whole year traveling so I wasn't able to see her that much. So I am so glad that she will be in California for a few months so I can visit her!! 

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Saturday I took Katy and Sydney to there FIRST college volleyball game to support Lynda and Monica. It was a good game. They had so many questions on "who is the libero and why they called the ball out" and many more questions. It was so cute to see them trying to figure out the small details that I've none since I was 12 yrs old. The game brought back so many great memories and made me miss it very much. Way to go CSUN on the their win against UCR!

Bradbury is BACK

 So after being home for only 10 days I believe, Drew Bradbury aka Elder Bradbury  is back in Northridge, California liked he promised. I was so shocked to see him back visiting all his investigators and recent converts so soon. It was great to meet his parents and to finally give him a HUG of thanks for all that he has done. He was a great missionary and helped me realize the importance of the gospel  in my life and the importance of missionary work. 

Friday, October 8, 2010

Movie Night!!

After having another bad day with my sewing class  I decided that I needed to get out. So me and the girls decided to go see Easy A with our CSUN discounts tickets of $7.00 instead of paying $10.00 !! Yay!  This movie was so funny and totally had parts that sounded just like me, it was weird. the movie of course ended all cute and girly!! So of course that is why I loved it. P.s. Luckily we ran into Lynda at the elevator so she was able to take a picture of all three of us.