Monday, July 4, 2011

July 2nd Letter

Mom and Dad,
Ah it is soooooo weird that I am here in the MTC but everything is going pretty good. I love my companion Hermana Butler she is very independent and sweet, but kind of a strict about some little rules. I'm sharing the room with two other sisters serving in our same mission Hermanas Low and Mapa and they both are way down to earth and easy going so that is nice. I have so many different feeling all day . I feel good, stress, upset, happy, and overwhelmed all in one day. The first day was crazy I felt like cattle being pushing into every direction not knowing was going to happen around each corner. I love my district 42 D we have three set of elders serving in the Santiago Chile Mission and one set serving in Guatemala. I haven't really cried hard yet, just a few tears here in there. I really still don't think that it has hit me yet that I am going to be gone for a long time. I ran into a MTC worker today that said he served in our same mission and that it super hard and hot and he went through three pairs of shoes. ah scary. We have Spanish class every day for two block periods of six hours and it is none stop Spanish from the teacher no ingles. Its hard at time but will have its moments of easy
I know that I'm doing the right thing and that everything will get easier once I get the same routine down. Everyday here so far has been different besides waking up at 6:30 which isnt to bad. I love you all so much and wish you the happiest 4th of July ever!!!
email me at web page because they print the emails of everyday so I can get some mail daily and that way I can prepare what I'm going to write when my Preparation days come. next week it will be Friday when I get to email back but I only have 30 mins.
Love you all very much
Hermana Burnett
P.S. sorry if this doesnt make sense typing all the great and hard things that happen here in less then 30 mins is super hard.

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