Our broken door handle |
Me moving our fridge back into the kitchen cause we had no electricity for a week in all our rooms except one our study room |
Me cleaning the baño with Hna Mapa cause the Elders before us didn´t clean anything!! |
Our zone at lunch |
Hna MacIver and me at the beach finally |
Hola familia,
Ah so playa brava is a lot different then Torreblanca and these past two weeks have been super hard for me. I have no exact reason why but just a whole bunch of small things have been adding up. The positive of our mission is our mamita and papita this family Araya is seriously like our family . They makes us laugh everyday and they love English so they are always asking us phrases or words. We have had some good lessons and have had people open up to us but no one is really wanting to progress. We have had many YW walk right up to us to at church and ask when can they work with us!! This is so awesome and every missionary´s dream however no one wants to meet with us . I got to work in my first three companionship with Hna Meghini from Argentina. It was alright one day but super hard the next. She teaches so differently and didn't really have love for her investigator, it was sad to watch. I don't really no what to say- this week has been HARD and its not even the Spanish is something else. Sorry this letter is lame . No worries I have a great comp and Hna Mapa to make me smile. And best of all I have the Lord to help me which he is cause I am blessed with so many great people around me. I am enduring to the end no worries. I love you all and am so happy to hear you all went to lagoon and went on rides except Hayden!! porque? You are the craziest of us all!! hope you all have a great HALLOWEEN !! take lots of pictures and send me through email please! I miss all your faces!! I love Iquique it looks like I am in California!! Ttell everyone hi and don't forward this to anyone cause its not a happy letter..
Love you all and cant wait to receive your package- no worries it will probably be here next week..Can you send me peanut butter and cake mix and USA treats will be great!! And photos of you all!!! One of my hoodies please! that's all I can think of . I don't really need any other items ..
con amor
Hna Burnett
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