Me, Sheldon and Roland |
Sheldon and Roland |
Me, Grandpa, and Roland |
This weekend my dad, Roland, and I drove down to San Bernardino, California to have a family reunion. It was long drive, but definitely worth it. I was able to meet up with my Uncle Jason and his wife Kendra and their children for the first time in four years. His family is so adorable I fell in love with his daughter Claire instantly all over again. The next day we headed to Disneyland which was Sheldon and Claire's first time. They had a great time, but sure did cry a lot after the rides. Roland fell in love with Sheldon, this little kid thought that Roland was the coolest person ever. The next day we went roller skating with all my little cousins, which was a blast. That evening we all got together at a pizza parlor and took family pictures. I had the chance to meet my cousin's wives and children for the first time. I fell in love with my cousin Cherie daughter Heavenly who is 18 months, ah I love her tons and wanted to bring her back to Utah with me so bad. That evening I also experienced my first time in a bar with my dad and his siblings which was hilarious. I played pool at the first one and sang karaoke (really badly) at the next bar. That Sunday was very relaxed and full of food and family. Did I mention that I got to share a bed with my grandma in a room full of boxes which I thought would fall on top of me!! It was a great weekend and very much needed I love the Burnett family and can't wait to have another big family reunion!!
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