Donating Blood
Me donating first!! |
Syd's iron prick |
Katy freaking out |
Tonight Syd, Katy and me went and donated blood at church because the Providence Hospital has the motto " Give a pint, get a free pint of ice cream!!! ( So I was totally up for donating!! ) We went in there and filled out a bunch of paper work with silly questions including "Have you ever accepted money for sex or drugs.. or slept with a man who's slept with a man?". Anyways after that they called us back one by one to check out iron levels to make sure we werent anemic so they could take our blood without killing us. Poor Sydney's iron was only 11.5 so she couldnt give blood,but Katy's was a high 14.7 and mine was 13.5 allowing us to donate. This was Katy first time so she was nervous about everything. After taking 5 mins trying to find her vein they finally found it and she was able to donate. I'm use to the system so I got in the chair and donated my blood in 5 mins flat. As we waited in the building eating the snack we ran into Elder Ball and Eswald who were figuring out the answer to paperwork.Both the Elders were also nervous. haha Did you know that donating blood can save up to three lives?!!! And every 2 second someones need blood? So Donate Blood Today!!
ive never donated blood.... im too scared!!!