For FHE we decided to do the game show Minute It to Win It where the contestants have one minute to execute a weird task such as the Chocolate Unicorn were you have to stack seven ding dongs on your forehead mimicking a unicorn horn. Another task was called Junk in the Trunk were you had a tissue box filled with 8 ping pong balls in which the person had to dance trying to get all 8 balls out in one minute ( which I dominated in 5 sec). This night was great I was so excited to see 15 people there on time and to hear them laughing as they tried to complete the task. The night was awesome, I've enjoyed this calling so much and it's nights like this that make me so proud and good inside that everyone is having a great time. I think everyone should try this it with family and friends. It's so funny and interesting to see what people can do out of the unusual.
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