Hey Family,
Como le va? This week was long and a lot of our appointments fell through which stinks but we had some amazing things happen. Our investigator Alex is FIRE,HOT, GOLD. hahah Yeah Elder Edwards from the 5th Ward came up with this one. Alex said he has been praying and has been reading a little and that he will prepare himself for baptism!! He also came to church and loved every moment. During sacrament he was looking up the scripture that the speakers had and marking his BOM up it was so awesome. He is our focus for this week. We had a great English class yesterday it was small but I think they all enjoyed it. Alex came and his cousin Marcela who is another investgator so that was great. We got to travel to chaƱaral on Friday to get my visa it was fun and so beautiful there besides waking up at 3 in the morning ah!! no fun. We have been doing a lot of service which is great because I know the Lord blesses us more when we do service through out the week. I haven´t spoke English all week and I can see The Lord working in my life cause I am starting really understand the investigators more and don´t have the desire to speak English which is awesome. The pictures that I sent last week were of our mujeres jovens( YW) which we teach every week they are so sweet . They are really strong but i think one rebelled this week and got a tongue ring and her parents are fighting all the time. But our other girls are doing great and loving personal progress. Our elders had a baptism this week and we meet the boy´s sister and she is atheist but loves us to death and wants us to teach her but we can´t cause the elders. awkward moment for us we don´t want to take her from the elders but we know she really likes us and we know we could help her. So will see how that works out. Today we headed on a little adventure through this mountain and got to hike up a waterfall literally it was crazy but so worth it. The elders in our zone are all nice and four are from Utah valley which is fun. This week was good and we had a lot of good lessons. The only thing tough this week is Sunday which is sad to say but I just get so lost with so many people speaking Spanish fast and I become overwhelm which I know I should but I do. But I fight through it and pray for strength which the Lord gives me daily. This area has so many great members they are all just less active and need friends and visit from the ward which the members don't do. These moments make me really grateful for our wards in the States cause we have home teachers and visiting teachers which the people need here badly.

And can you send me peanut butter please I am craving it but its super expensive ;) not much time for a testimony i´ll try in another email.
Love you all and thanks for the updates. Good luck with work dad and roland . Nice job with your grades Hayden your a star!! and Dallen keep working hard in school!! You are all awesome and I love you very much!!!!!
Love Hermana Burnett.
Como le va? This week was long and a lot of our appointments fell through which stinks but we had some amazing things happen. Our investigator Alex is FIRE,HOT, GOLD. hahah Yeah Elder Edwards from the 5th Ward came up with this one. Alex said he has been praying and has been reading a little and that he will prepare himself for baptism!! He also came to church and loved every moment. During sacrament he was looking up the scripture that the speakers had and marking his BOM up it was so awesome. He is our focus for this week. We had a great English class yesterday it was small but I think they all enjoyed it. Alex came and his cousin Marcela who is another investgator so that was great. We got to travel to chaƱaral on Friday to get my visa it was fun and so beautiful there besides waking up at 3 in the morning ah!! no fun. We have been doing a lot of service which is great because I know the Lord blesses us more when we do service through out the week. I haven´t spoke English all week and I can see The Lord working in my life cause I am starting really understand the investigators more and don´t have the desire to speak English which is awesome. The pictures that I sent last week were of our mujeres jovens( YW) which we teach every week they are so sweet . They are really strong but i think one rebelled this week and got a tongue ring and her parents are fighting all the time. But our other girls are doing great and loving personal progress. Our elders had a baptism this week and we meet the boy´s sister and she is atheist but loves us to death and wants us to teach her but we can´t cause the elders. awkward moment for us we don´t want to take her from the elders but we know she really likes us and we know we could help her. So will see how that works out. Today we headed on a little adventure through this mountain and got to hike up a waterfall literally it was crazy but so worth it. The elders in our zone are all nice and four are from Utah valley which is fun. This week was good and we had a lot of good lessons. The only thing tough this week is Sunday which is sad to say but I just get so lost with so many people speaking Spanish fast and I become overwhelm which I know I should but I do. But I fight through it and pray for strength which the Lord gives me daily. This area has so many great members they are all just less active and need friends and visit from the ward which the members don't do. These moments make me really grateful for our wards in the States cause we have home teachers and visiting teachers which the people need here badly.
Love you all and thanks for the updates. Good luck with work dad and roland . Nice job with your grades Hayden your a star!! and Dallen keep working hard in school!! You are all awesome and I love you very much!!!!!
Love Hermana Burnett.